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Yoga Nidra: Let Yourself Be (and Listen)

As our daily routines slowly transform through different stages of our lives, our daily sadhana (yoga practice) must adapt accordingly. Now that my children are in school full time and I am teaching back to back yoga classes most evenings,…

Asana of the Month: Half Moon Pose

Ardha Chandrasana Ardha: means half, Chandra: means moon Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon) pose helps improve balance and strength. It works on stretching the hamstring muscles as well as the front of the thighs, and it increases opening of the hip joints.…

Asana of the month: Setu Bandha Sarvanagasana

Asana of the month: Setu Bandha Sarvanagasana bridge-lock all-limbs pose, commonly known as Bridge / Little Bridge Versatile, accessible and hugely beneficial, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (setu bandha for short) is integral to my asana practice. This pose boosts the immune…

Asana of the Month : Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance)

Pincha Mayurasana (pin-cha my-your-AHS-anna) aka Feathered Peacock or Forearm Balance pincha=feather mayura=peacock Yogi/blogger J. Brown recently wrote a brave piece dethroning the King and Queen of yoga – Salamba Sisasana (headstand) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand). Though he discussed the very real…

Asana of the Month: Upavista Konasana

Upavista Konasana Wide Angle Seated Forward Fold I love forward bends! We know forward folds relax and calm the mind and body, and this pose is no exception. This asana creates the openness to really let go and decompress from…