The Salt Spring Centre Of Yoga
A Rare And Sacred Place
The Salt Spring Centre of Yoga is a non-profit educational and spiritual retreat centre dedicated to teaching and promoting the core principles of yoga which embody peace, resilience, and belonging.
The Centre was purchased in 1981 and remains the keystone project of the Dharma Sara Satsang Society – founded in 1974 by a devoted and enthusiastic group of followers of Baba Hari Dass (Babaji).
The legacy of love, service and sanctuary is palpable on the land.
An Agricultural and Environmental Gem
The 69 acre property finds its home in a spectacular natural setting. Cedars, maples, alders, cottonwoods frame the land among many more species of trees, plants and endangered and vulnerable animals.
Walking the land you will encounter a large organic farm, an abundant fruit orchard, an impressive permaculture food forest growing nuts, medicinal herbs and fruit, acres of protected and pristine agricultural land, and beautiful streams and ponds. The Centre shares ecology with and borders the Salt Spring Island Conservancy’s Blackburn lake nature reserve, which has recorded over 110 species; many of which are endangered or vulnerable.
The Salt Spring Centre also contains the Dandaka Forest – one of the most untouched, primordial cedar-swamp wetlands found in North America.

A Personal Development Incubator and Sanctuary
Thousands of people have had their lives touched and transformed by the immersive experience of being and learning at the Centre. Whether you’re here for a weekend, a Yoga Study & Service Immersion or a full-time karma exchange, it’s next to impossible to not be touched by the sheer energy that’s been cultivated on the land. Whatever your practice or endeavour – the Centre has an impeccable way of becoming the container you need to do the deep, challenging and playful work of personal development.

“My only aim is to bring people in sadhana (spiritual practice). For me, sadhana is not only asana (postures), pranayama (breath work) and meditation. Sadhana includes developing positive qualities, building right conduct, closeness with your parents, friends, and society, right livelihood, etc.”
~ Baba Hari Dass
Find Your Center, at The Centre
The Centre is not a fancy or luxury resort experience. We are an intentional space and community that aims to explore living in peace with one another, with the land, and most importantly, with ourselves. Our conviction is that the world needs this now more than ever.
We love to extend the invitation to join us in this pursuit to all who come here, for whatever purpose that may be. You will be nourished, encouraged and supported by the dedicated, intergenerational staff and volunteers at the Centre.