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The Farm

41 Years of Regenerative Farming

The Salt Spring Centre of Yoga is located on an impeccable 69 acres of protected land zoned Agricultural Land Reserve, which makes up less than 5% of British Columbia’s total land base*.

We have abundant access to farmland and produce fruits and vegetables to support the Centre’s kitchen as well as the broader Salt Spring Island population. Our farming efforts vary depending on the year and the resources available to us. We do not use pesticides and never have.

*The ALR is a provincial land-use zone where agriculture is the priority use. The ALR comprises just 5% of BC’s total land base and is the area with the greatest agricultural capacity. As a finite and valuable resource, the province has decided to protect this land.”

Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

Our Goals

Our aim is that everything that happens at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga is produced with yogic intention; programs, produce and everything in between. How we operate our farm is no exception. The most foundational yogic principle is non-harming (ahimsa). We believe in the sacred and reciprocal relationship between ourselves and the earth; we make efforts to listen to the land while we plant and allow her to help guide our efforts. All of our food is grown with the intention of peace, nourishment, and love. All organic practices are respected and used on our farmland. We also continue to acknowledge the experience and contributions of all humans and other living beings who play a critical role in growing healthy plants and harvests.

The People

Farm volunteers

The work executed by the many past farmers and helpers continues to whisper to us, shape the land and influence the way the farm evolves. We are incredibly grateful for the countless hours over the past decades spent caring for the fields and for the continued donations that enable the development of the farm.

Farm Day Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in signing up for Farm and Garden day volunteer shifts, fill out the Farm/Garden Day Volunteer Form.

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