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Natasha Jyoti Samson

Facilitator: Natasha (Jyoti) Samson

“I want More From Life” Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat

Overcome what’s holding you back and reclaim your direction in life.

This Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat is an experiential retreat open to all who are ready to commit to a happier, healthier life.

Fall is a natural time of change and shaking things up! Come and shift your trajectory immersed in a supportive and nourishing environment.

By attending this educational, four-day intensive Aurveda and Yoga retreat, you will understand yourself on a deeper level and know how to move forward feeling vibrant and healthy.

In this packed weekend, you will uncover:

  • Your unique constitution, honoring your strengths and the gifts you have to offer
  • Strategic movement and yoga asana practices to release abundant energy, clarity, and focus.
  • How food affects your mood and can be used as mental health medicine 
  • How your thoughts create your reality and root cause psychology
  • What is no longer serving you, and subtle shifts you will make to change your trajectory
  • Morning meditation and breathing practice to align your energy
  • Evening meditation tool to promote contentment & manifest the future you want

Come prepared to learn, grow and play!

Get Ready for Our 2025 Retreat!

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“I’ve attended one of Natasha’s Ayurvedic and Yoga retreats, and it was everything you could hope for … well-crafted yoga asana classes that targeted each of the 3 Ayurvedic constitutions, a wealth of information to give you a healthy head-start in going down the Ayurvedic path, as well as helpful dietary suggestions and an introduction to oleation/oil massages. The entire program was well-researched and super-organized in addition to being entertaining and thought-provoking. Natasha’s retreat was definitely the catalyst for me to take a more Ayurvedic-centred approach to my health and well-being.”

~ N. Dan

Autumn self-care

What is included in this Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat?

Psychology Classes:

Science of Thought

  • Manifest what you want and let the rest go
    • Theory
    • Journalling
    • Dancing
    • Art project
    • Goal Setting
    • Meditation

Emerge from the dark cave of negative emotions

  • Power in surrender 
  • Freedom from the self-prison
    • Journaling

Theory Classes:

Ayurveda Fundamentals: 

  • Have a solid understanding of the concepts in Ayurveda and how to apply them to your life.

Strategic Movement

  • Make daily choices on what you need to shift or elevate your emotional state.

Food & Emotions

  • Explore the 6 tastes and how each has an energetic, physical, and emotional affect.


  • Learn how to detox in and out through time tested Ayurveda methods.

Movement classes:

Yoga – Strategic Movement (Somatic Medicine)

  • Grounding, Sleep & Clarity (shed Fear, Anxiety & Uncertainty 
  • Balance, Patients & Surrender (shed Overwhelm, Burnout & Confusion)
  • Abundant Energy, Motivation & Love (shed Fatigue, Depression, Sadness)

Breathwork, Meditation & Cleansing

  • Learn the four (4) purifications of pranic energy in the body that also balance the doshas
  • Learn Ayurveda morning cleansing practices

Hike Mt. Maxwell

  • Digest the information, make friends and bond over this active time together while taking in the deep beauty of this experience.


Abhyanga & Sauna
Free Time on Saturday

“Natasha has an exceptional ability to read the room and adapt her presentation to the needs of participants. She has a deep understanding of the Ayurvedic wisdom tradition and a palpable desire to share what she knows, with a ‘servant’s heart’. Her workshops are logically organized and with a gentle flow she moves the group through unfamiliar terrain using information, example and practice. Every detail of the retreat was thoughtfully arranged to subtly reinforce concepts and the feeling of living life with the benefit of being in sync with the body’s natural rhythms. Natasha is a fiery and compassionate leader with so much to offer the ‘student of contentment’. If you have the chance to spend time with her, and accept her extraordinary offerings you will be very fortunate and grateful as I am.”

~ H. Lake

A note from Natasha (Jyoti) about this Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat

“I’ve just returned from an enlightening retreat where Natasha was a co-host, and I must say, her expertise in Ayurveda truly shines through in every aspect of her work. Her love and passion are palpable, infusing each offering with a special kind of energy. Natasha’s guidance in a divinely inspiring yoga meditation session was a game-changer for me. It was as if she had a sixth sense for detecting and helping to clear away the blockages that weighed me down. I departed from the retreat not just with a sense of lightness, but also with my heart brimming with love and joy. Thank you!”

~ C. Linda

Natasha Jyoti Samson

Facilitator: Natasha (Jyoti) Samson

Hi, I’m Natasha and I will be the main host of this retreat. This retreat is for someone who wants to shift their trajectory. And what does that mean? This doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to quit your job and start a business or leave your current relationship. I mean, it could, but this means shifting the trajectory in your mindset

This is for folks that do not necessarily have a lot of physical ailments, but their main problem lies in the mind. This is the thing that they have trouble shifting. 

Out there you hear people talking about “what you give out, you bring in”, “think positive thoughts”, “manifest your future”, “be in a high vibration”.  But, when this is new to you or you are stuck in emotions of anxiousness or attachment, sadness or frustration, asking you to switch your thoughts to the opposite is like asking your lungs to stop breathing! It is incredibly difficult, and so, yoga and Ayurveda have this amazing bag of tricks to shift your mindset in real time, that day! 

So what you are going to learn in this retreat is more about using the tools to shift your mindset on a daily basis to whatever it is that you need. You will get lots of practices to take home with you to keep the momentum going and also discover a community or like-minded people also seeking more from life!

You won’t be doing the exact same routine every day or eating the same food every day because you are different every day. By the time you leave the retreat, you will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of Ayurveda. But in addition to that, you are going to have a lot of fun, you are going to dig deep. It is going to be some work, emotions will come up and they are supposed to come up, we will move our bodies, as well as have time to reflect and talk.

I hope that you can join us. I hope you bring a friend to share this with.

If you feel like this is the thing you need to jumpstart or shift your life, I would be honored to do this with you. It will be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to meeting you or seeing you there.

Much Love,

Get Ready for Our 2025 Retreat!

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If you would like to stay up-to-date on Centre news and events, be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter.

“Natasha Samson’s I Want More from Life Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat was a complete and extremely satisfying and nourishing experience for my body, mind and soul. Every detail of it was perfect from the course structure to the wholesome, organic food participants enjoyed every day. I’ve taken many workshops in my life, but this was the first one to check all the boxes for me. High fives to Natasha and everyone at the fabulous Salt Spring Yoga Center who made this a truly memorable and life changing experience. Thank you!

~ L. Frances

Ayurvedic diet
Natasha Jyoti Samson - Ayurveda Health and Yoga
Ayurveda oils for balancing doshas