Accepting our Limitations
We human beings like to think we can control what happens in our lives, yet there is so much that is not in our control. Each of us comes into the world with certain tendencies. We can’t change our height,…
We human beings like to think we can control what happens in our lives, yet there is so much that is not in our control. Each of us comes into the world with certain tendencies. We can’t change our height,…
It’s easy to be grateful when things are going well, but when we’re struggling, it can be hard to access even the possibility of gratitude. At those times it may be hard to see anything to be grateful for. When…
We are strongly affected by the company we keep. Some people, environments and activities bring out our best qualities, and some have the opposite effect. Think about what happens to you when you spend time doing things that you know…
As we face both joys and challenges throughout life, we generally have some guidelines that we use to make decisions. Some are provided by religions, by the cultures and traditions we grew up in, how we’ve been raised or what…
An ongoing theme that has come up regularly during yoga retreats over the years: How can I do all these practices I learned at the retreat when I go back to my regular life, usually called “the real world ”?…
After you have been away on an adventure, a yoga retreat, a course or even a holiday, how do you reconnect with your ‘village’ upon your return? Have you experienced in yourself or noticed in someone else the pain or…
Quiet and peace is the real nature of a being. It is disturbed by our desires, attachment, and ego. As long as the desires, attachment and ego remain strong, the mind will remain disturbed. So one should practice meditation, or…
This is my grad photo from my high school yearbook. It was accompanied by this poem I wrote. “My arms/Wrapped around me/Wrapped around light/Before it fades/From this corner/Of the world/That I am creating” I was a poet and an artist;…
If we pay attention, we can see how much of our life is guided by self-interest. It’s not that we don’t care about others, but we look out for ourselves first. We can see it when we notice how quick…
How We Live our Yoga Teachers and Practitioners on How Yoga Enriches, Surprises, and Heals Us Personal Stories edited by Valerie Jeremijenko Upon finishing this book and contemplating this review, foremost in my mind was the need to convince everyone…