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Time Out with Kris Cox

Often, interviews begin by setting the scene: perhaps the interviewer has arrived early, and describes her surroundings – a cozy cafe, a park bench, a hotel lobby – before the arrival of the subject. This also invites you in as…

Staying Home, Staying Safe

How are you faring during this time of coronavirus? Chetna Thank you, for reaching out and encouraging a different type questioning and connectivity. On the surface, these questions seem simple and straight forward, but as I started to really look…

Larry’s Yoga Story

Larry wearing a hat from Guatemala, a gift from a friend. Travelling vicariously through friends and family. From as far back as can remember, I have been seeking a closer relationship with the divine source of creation, a god of…

Following the Breadcrumbs

by A.D. Trimble A.D. Trimble My parents first introduced me to yoga. They were both raised in conservative, United Church middle class Toronto but in an act of sheer defiance at the time, my father one day announced that the family…