What’s happening at the Centre – July 2024
A snapshot of life at the Centre in July 2024!
A snapshot of life at the Centre in July 2024!
A snapshot of life at the Centre in June 2024!
A snapshot of life at the Centre in May 2024!
A snapshot of life at the Centre in April 2024! April brought the right mix of rain and sunshine for the beautiful transformation into Spring. The farm team is preparing the outside beds as the glass greenhouse is abundant with…
A snapshot of life at the Centre in February and March 2024! February ended with the celebration of Maha Shivaratri. It is an auspicious time to deepen our practice and affirm our devotion and discipline supporting that. Starting early in…
A snapshot of life at the Centre in January and February 2024! At the end of the program season, the tradition of Puzzle Season takes place. Suneel is the puzzle master, but others also enjoy puzzling. As a part…
Year End Review and Thank You!! Thanks to all, we have had a successful 2023 year on many levels!! Thank you for the donations this year to help pay down our debt and support growth. They help financially, of course,…
The miracles of Mother Nature are such a gift – the changing of the seasons, the harvest from the garden, the orchard, the walnut trees down the driveway!! The orchard trees were bright with apples and pears, a bumper walnut…
A snapshot of life at the Centre in July and August 2023!
Anastasia Shyla, 1991-2023 We are so very sad to share that Anastasia Shyla passed away suddenly on May 28, 2023. Ana’s story of coming to study and live at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga was in the Spring 2023…