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Spring cleanse

Spring Cleanse Retreat  

Take Yoga Off the Mat in a Fully Ayurvedic Spring Cleansing Retreat

📆 April 17 – 21, 2025
📍Salt Spring Centre of Yoga, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada
☀️ Embrace a more vibrant life with Ayurveda as the guide

Join us for five days of self-care and discover how an Ayurvedic spring cleanse retreat can rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Let Ayurveda guide you toward a more vibrant life.

“Ayurveda contains the secrets not only for healing the individual but also for uplifting society, all creatures and the planet itself.” – David Frawley

Spring cleanse diet

Why Choose a Spring Cleanse Retreat?

Homeostasis is our innate ability to navigate the physical, mental and emotional stressors of life. It’s nature’s way of restoring balance, inside and out.

When experiencing fatigue, depression, congestion, foggy head, anxiety, seasonal allergies, feeling overworked or under loved, feeling run down or run over, our homeostatis is most definitely compromised, and happy healthy living is not within our reach..

A spring cleanse retreat focuses on:

  • Cellular detoxification
  • Mindful dietary choices
  • Holistic rejuvenation

In just five days, this Ayurvedic cleanse opens the door to improved health, wellness, and graceful aging.

“The cleanse is a meticulous program to help clear out not only physical level toxins, but a subtle level of emotional and mental toxins that prevented me from living my life fully.”

~ Don

Benefits of an Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse Retreat

This program can help you:

  • Eliminate toxins, to optimize productivity and functionality of all systems.
  • Balance blood sugar, and skip the midday crash and cravings for foods that do not serve.
  • Improve digestion, for relief from bloating and food hangovers, indigestion, heartburn, colitis, IBS.
  • Strengthen immune function, our first defence against pathogens in the environment.
  • Improve sleep quality, ensuring adequate downtime to heal and cleanse.
  • Clear the heart and mind of old behavioural patterns, that no longer serve.
  • Balance hormones, to counteract symptoms of pms and perimenopause.
  • Alleviate seasonal allergies, to enjoy the changes of seasons, rather than dreading them.
  • Lose extra weight, either accumulated over time or postpartum.
  • Enhance self care, by establishing healthy lifestyle patterns.
  • Age gracefully, with a balanced body, clear mind and a happy heart.

“The whole cleanse has been smooth and I’m feeling cleaner and clearer […] I’m feeling centred, grounded and a light expansion.”

~ Deana

Spring Cleanse Kitchadi

When we cleanse, we open the door to positive change. Be the kid on the block who everyone asks, “What have you done to be so happy, look so good, and have so much energy?”

Your Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse Experience


Enjoy a delicious Ayurvedic meal on the first and last day. In-between, indulge in a simple diet of khichadi (split mung dahl, basmati rice, ayurvedic digestive spices) and assorted cleansing veggies for three full days This diet gives your digestive and elimination system a much-needed rest.

Herbal Support

Reboot the digestive system, open channels of elimination and get the gunk out. Herbal supports will be available for sluggish eliminators.

Detox Therapy

Boost detoxification by drinking herbal cleansing teas and copious amounts of H2O.

Daily Cleansing Practices and Activities

  • Sadhana Practice: Partake in daily pranayama, meditation and asana classes geared towards cleansing.
  • Shat Karma Therapies: Learn daily cleansing therapies – jal neti, sutra neti, tratak, self-oleation (abhyanga) and dry brushing (udvartana ) techniques.
  • Asana Classes: Attend opening, cleansing and relaxing asana classes for deep restoration.
  • Dina Charya (Daily Routine): Expand ayurveda awareness with classes on Dina Charya (daily routines), doshas (constitution), gunas (actions) and choosing a diet for your particular constitution.
  • Mindfulness Activities: Reset the heart and mind with optional sound bath, forest bathing and mindful self compassion sessions
  • Sauna, Ayurvedic Treatments & Therapies: Detox with optional saunas and/or cleansing treatments to remove toxins and reboot systems.
  • Nourish Your Inner Being: Expand into ample open space or withdraw into a cosy inner space for personal quiet time, relaxation and reflection.

Optional Therapies at Centre Wellness

Support cleansing with Therapeutic Treatments, offered with love, from our certified ayurveda practitioners at Centre Wellness.

  • Abhyanga (oil massage)
  • Udvartana (exfoliation)
  • Swedana (sweating)
  • Shirodhara (oil flow therapy)

This customized four part treatment is an intrinsic part of any classical ayurvedic cleanse.
Treatments are available before, during, and after the retreat. Limited spaces—Click here to learn more and book your treatment.

Ayurveda is aimed at relieving the diseases of body and mind. It shows us how to understand the language of nature, the language of life, so that we can live in harmony with the greater universe, not evolving only for ourselves but bringing benefit to all creatures.

Meet Your Cleanse Facilitator

Savita Leah Young - Wellness Treatments

Savita Leah Young

Certified Ayurveda Practitioner (CAP), Spa Therapist, Yoga Teacher

As a certified yoga teacher, ayurveda practitioner, and a traditional spa therapist, Savita’s bodywork is informed by her lifestyle, steeped in vedic teachings and meditation for over 40 years. After…

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Daily Schedule for the Spring Cleanse Retreat

Important Notes for Your Spring Cleanse Retreat

This program is not recommended for those with advanced stage cancer, liver or gall bladder disease, nor for the very weak, pregnant or nursing. Always consult your Health Professional in the event you are considering cleansing.

If you are on prescription medications, do not stop or alter your routines without the advice of your doctor.
It is recommended to discontinue the use of vitamins and other over the counter supplements, unless you or your health provider feel it is absolutely necessary to take them.

The statements made herein have not been proven by Health Canada. The diets, herbs, practices and products are not. meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. Consult a Certified Health Care Professional for assistance with health issues. As with any weight reduction or cleansing program, informing your Health Professional or Doctor is advised. Your Health Professional or Doctor can establish any contraindications and advise you accordingly.

Spring Cleanse benefits