Letting go
As an old song from the 50’s says (taking liberties with the lyrics a bit), “Letting go is hard to do.” Babaji teaches that surrender means letting go of our identification of being the doer – Thy will, not mine…
As an old song from the 50’s says (taking liberties with the lyrics a bit), “Letting go is hard to do.” Babaji teaches that surrender means letting go of our identification of being the doer – Thy will, not mine…
As mentioned in this month’s Centre update, the subject of community is in the air. In the many years since Dharma Sara Satsang Society began forming as a community, we have learned a lot about what makes a community work…
Babaji has written, “Accepting the present is happiness.” Although we may understand this on some level, some of the time, very often we want things to be different from how they are right now. If it’s unpleasant, we want it…
With her encouraging and positive personality, Sarah Crawford Russell, E-RYT 200, inspires others on their journey, both on and off the mat. Sarah reminds her students to take their yoga practice one breath at a time, to let go of…
Over the course of many years Babaji has often responded to students’ anxious questions with the recommendation to do regular sadhana, later shortened on his chalkboard to RS. Sadhana, or spiritual practice, comes in many forms. Many people have a…
Having just returned from Mount Madonna Center – the Salt Spring Centre’s big sister centre – to celebrate Babaji’s 90th birthday and to connect with many, many brothers and sisters in our satsang family, I am struck by the precious…
When did you meet Babaji? Originally from Toronto, in 2001 I completed a 250 hour yoga teacher training in the Ashtanga Vinyasa and Flow traditions. One of my respected teachers gave me a flyer for the Ontario Retreat and spoke…
Shakespeare said, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” We may understand this as an intellectual concept, but it’s not how we usually live our lives. We have some very strong preferences (in itself not…
Gomukhasana (cow’s head pose) (go-moo-KAHS-anna) go = cow (Sanskrit “go” is a distant relative of the English word “cow”) mukha = face First off, I must admit that this is my least favourite yoga asana. Up until now, I have…
Where do you live? What do you do in your life apart from yoga? I have been living in North Vancouver for the last seven years but will always call Nova Scotia my home. I am a full-time mama to…