Founding Member Feature: Usha
The details of my life before Babaji are not significant for this article – except to say that yoga changed the life I was living in 1976. I had been teaching in the Inner City London Ghetto Failing Schools on…
The details of my life before Babaji are not significant for this article – except to say that yoga changed the life I was living in 1976. I had been teaching in the Inner City London Ghetto Failing Schools on…
Though all genuine spiritual traditions stress the underlying unity and connectedness of humanity, conflict between religions has been a constant in human history; the death and destruction caused by war carried out in the name of god has been extraordinary…
Greetings: The swallows are back and fluttering around the back deck, choosing corners and ledges to build their mud nests, just like their parents and so many generations before them. The goldfinches have returned and will spend their summer splashing…
Before meeting Babaji Prior to meeting Babaji, I was a wild child: I owned a motorcycle, I skydived, and I did lots of illicit drugs – but I was looking for something else. When I was around 20 or 21,…
Here is Babaji’s response to a letter from one of his students: Simple and straight understanding is better than getting into complicated philosophies. I make it very simple for myself. That means ‘keep God’s presence in my heart and move…
Greetings: Often when people come to the Centre as guests or KYs, they hope to start a regular yoga practice or strengthen an existing one. Babaji has said that his main aim in life is to bring people into regular…
Over the years Babaji often commented on the importance of community life as a place to practice karma yoga and cultivate positive habits. He was also very aware of the difficulties that arise when people from diverse backgrounds live and…
After thirteen years of living on Salt Spring and contributing to the Centre and Centre School, Donna is moving “off the rock” for the next phase of her adventures. (translation for non-islanders: leaving Salt Spring). We’ve been blessed to have…
I was already a seeker looking for a living master when I heard about Babaji in Ram Dass’ book, Be Here Now. Then The Yellow Book by Babaji showed up in my hands, and I was inspired. Around that time,…
Greetings: As a misty early morning rain falls in the Blackburn valley, there’s a quiet hum of activity around the Centre. All the full-season staff are now here setting up for the early programs. There are new faces and new…