We keep being reminded of the fragility and transience of life. A month ago, our dear satsang sister, Janaki Polden passed away. She understood the ephemeral nature of life, while at the same time being full of life – walking,…
We keep being reminded of the fragility and transience of life. A month ago, our dear satsang sister, Janaki Polden passed away. She understood the ephemeral nature of life, while at the same time being full of life – walking,…
There are many stories we can tell about our lives. Narratives are like stepping stones we use for support and leave behind along the way: here’s one. Chapter One I’m currently living at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga. I…
Born Mischa Pavan Makortoff with my middle name given by Baba Hari Dass after I was born, I grew up with my parents Sudha “Theota” and Phil in the Vancouver area. We lived on Barnston Island when I was born…
I was born in Prince George B.C. and spent most of my life living in the Peace River area. My fondest childhood memories are of the year or so that I spent living with my grandparents at a small truck…
My name is Ishi Dinim. Baba Hari Dass gave me the Sanskrit name Ishan. I was first introduced to the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga in the summer of 1998, by my then partner Maya Suess, a lifelong member of…
The opportunity to live in a spiritual community is a great blessing. It is also an opportunity to learn about yourself, what is important to you, and how to live with other people. Many years ago, when Dharma Sara Satsang…
I don’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t love Babaji, because I was born into the Satsang. My parents, Padma Diana and Purna Doug, met at the Centre sometime in the 80’s, and I came into the…
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My “Salt Spring Centre experience” began in 1995 when I was introduced to the Centre by my friend John while visiting the island that summer. John had a picture of Baba Hari Dass on his fridge. I remember asking him,…
I was an art punk. One of those kids your parents warned you about. I grew up typically middle class in a rather affluent suburb of Vancouver, not to say that we were very well off, but of sufficiently average…