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Asana of the Month: Hanumanasana

Hanumanasana – Monkey Pose Hanumanasana is named after the monkey-god Hanuman, emblematic of physical strength, perseverance and devotion. As told in the epic Indian tale known as the Ramayana, Hanuman is called upon to help Lord Rama rescue his beloved…

Eat What You Can Digest

“Eat what you can digest” was Babaji’s basic prescription, when he was asked like, “Babaji, how do I know what to eat?” Sounds simple, eh? “Eat what you can digest!” And yet, the next question comes easily, “How do I…

Asana of the Month: Utthita Parsvkonasana

Utthita Parsvkonasana/Extended Side Angle I love this pose, it’s like the best early morning stretch any time of the day! It’s strengthening, stabilizing, lengthening, and expands the rib cage to encourage a full deep breath. It’s hip opening, creates tone…

Sharada’s March Update

Greetings everyone. In January’s update, I wrote about the arrival of spring. Apparently I spoke too soon. Winter’s last hurrah came toward the end of February, with three days of non-stop heavy snow, along with two days of power outage…