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Sharada’s August update

Hello everyone, I hope you’re enjoying summer wherever you are. We are in the midst of our annual hot, dry summer on Salt Spring Island. We wait all year for the sun and heat, and then suddenly, it arrives. The…

Asana of the Month: Sunbird Pose

I absolutely love this pose! I offer it to my students in almost every hatha and flow class I teach. Sunbird is a great pose for beginners as it builds core strength and helps improve balance and co-ordination. For intermediate…

Sharada’s July Update

Hello everyone, Happy Canada Day – and Fourth of July if you’re American – and happy summer, everyone. The sun is shining (on some days), the grass is still green and the sky is light into the late evening. We…

Asana of the Month: Ardha Chandrasana

Ardha Chandrasana (are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna) – Half Moon Pose Ardha = half; Chandra = shining (translated as “moon”) I like to add this pose in the middle of a sun salutation or on its own followed by downward dog (adho mukha…