News from the Centre (August 2014)
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine and warmth (and heat) of the summer. Here at the Centre the summer season seems to be flying by. The first part of July was full and rich, with the first…
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine and warmth (and heat) of the summer. Here at the Centre the summer season seems to be flying by. The first part of July was full and rich, with the first…
Hello to all of you, Those of us living in the northern hemisphere are enjoying the long days of sunshine (and occasional showers) of summer. Life is beautiful at the Centre. Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians and Happy…
Hello everyone, May was a busy month here, and June is looking busier yet. Thanks to our regular resident community and off-land community members, we are ready for the summer season, including YSSI (Yoga Service and Study Immersion) which will…
Hello everyone, As I write this the sun is shining and there are blossoms on some trees, swelling buds on others. Lots of pollen, too! Because we’re in a valley, in one of the multiple microclimates on this island, the…
Hello everyone, Spring is here for real now, and planting has begun! Meanwhile we continue to share in the bounty of greens the garden has produced all winter -and, of course, the nettles that grow wild in many places on…
Greetings everyone. In January’s update, I wrote about the arrival of spring. Apparently I spoke too soon. Winter’s last hurrah came toward the end of February, with three days of non-stop heavy snow, along with two days of power outage…
Hello everyone, Although some of you may still be shovelling snow – and others basking in tropical climes – we at the Centre are enjoying what feels like the beginning of spring. The robins are back, the trees are budding,…
Greetings and Happy New Year! Life at the Centre is very quiet in mid winter. Later this month, the resident community will begin growing again, but for now it is very small. We meet for meals in Sage House rather…
Hello everyone, Life is quiet at the Centre now that we’re into our non-program winter season. Our community is once again small, and we sit together around one table at meal time. It’s dark by 4:30, and here in the…
Hello everyone, We are enjoying the last days of fall before winter sets in. The days are gradually getting shorter, nighttime coming earlier. During these months, we need to remember to keep the light burning inside our hearts. Our Thanksgiving…