Exercising your True Nature
As the sky clears and the weather warms, the spring flowers burst out in all their colorful glory. And we all feel the pull to spend more time outdoors. With that urge may come the desire to get back into…
As the sky clears and the weather warms, the spring flowers burst out in all their colorful glory. And we all feel the pull to spend more time outdoors. With that urge may come the desire to get back into…
“Eat what you can digest” was Babaji’s basic prescription, when he was asked like, “Babaji, how do I know what to eat?” Sounds simple, eh? “Eat what you can digest!” And yet, the next question comes easily, “How do I…
What’s my (Ayurvedic Body-Mind) Type? Ayurveda teaches that each of us is born with a unique body-mind type that stays with us throughout our entire life. This “prakruti” type describes the ratio of the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha – the…
During the winter season, when the days are shorter, the air is colder, and the earth is wetter, kapha dosha tends to increase and accumulate in the body. Kapha’s nature tends to be cool, wet and dense, and when these…
From hummus to minestrone, from chili con carne to kitchari, beans (known as dal in Indian cuisine) provide a delicious source of high quality nourishment. And during the colder winter months, our bodies require some high-octane fuel. As a staple…
As the summer sun recedes and the autumn winds bring chilly rain, consider your digestive fire. During the warm summer months, our bodies need less fuel to warm us, and our digestive juices can take a bit of a holiday…
Ayurveda is the science of life and longevity. The word “Ayurveda” comes from a combination of two Sanskrit words: “ayus” (life) and “veda” (knowledge of). This May, long time Ayurveda practitioner and teacher, Girija Edwards, will lead workshop participants in…