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Dressing for Dinner

Dressing for Dinner dressings and sauces Here are some more recipes from the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga kitchen to bring some zest to your meals. The first two of this month’s recipes come from our first cookbook – Vegetarian…

Asana of the Month: Goddess / Fierce Angle poses

Deviasana (goddess pose) aka Utkata Konasana (fierce angle pose) Finding softness in structure and symmetry Goddess Pose is a lateral standing pose with effects explicitly beneficial for pregnant women, but most definitely applicable to all. This beautiful tall and wide…

News from the Centre – March 2017

Hello everyone, Spring officially begins later this month. Meanwhile, these photos give you a snapshot of our snowy-rainy February and the wet not-quite-spring at the Centre. Here’s what’s been going on behind the scenes at the Centre. Along with ongoing…

Neha’s Yoga Story

I’ve been practicing yoga for over 15 years and I hope to continue for many more. The reason I’ve kept up with it is because it “works” for me. And when I say “work”, I mean that it continually expands…