Sharada’s February Update
Although the weather is still wintery, there’s a touch of spring, of newness in the air. It’s a bit chilly, but the days are getting longer. The darkness of winter is not always something we’re grateful for, but without it…
Although the weather is still wintery, there’s a touch of spring, of newness in the air. It’s a bit chilly, but the days are getting longer. The darkness of winter is not always something we’re grateful for, but without it…
Offering to God: A tribute to Vishnu Ma and a teaching for all of us from Babaji A number of years ago, one of Mount Madonna Center’s senior residents, in fact the oldest resident in the community and a longtime student…
When I saw the blue poster, I knew my life was about to change. It announced Dharma Sara’s first Yoga Centre on 4th Avenue in Vancouver, and when I read it I thought, “That place is going to save my…
Laura has generously made available excerpts from the diary she kept while attending the 2012 sessions of our 200 hour yoga teacher training. Part 1 was published last month, and Part 2 is published below. Diary of a yogi in…
Viparita Karani (legs-up-the-wall pose) Viparita = inverted, reversed; Karani = doing, making Viparita Karani is a wonderful yoga posture and a favourite of mine, one that I share with students any time of the year. This asana is particularly refreshing in the…
I hope you all had a peaceful holiday season and are ready for another spin around the sun as we begin this new year. As it turns out, the world didn’t end on December 21 and here we are. I…
Laura has generously made available excerpts from the diary she kept while attending the 2012 sessions of YTT. Part 1 is published below, and you can read Part 2 here. Diary of a yogi in training – Part 1 July…
My grandmother was a full-blood Apache Indian. Although I knew little about her, I deeply appreciated her ritual ways and the love she showed my own mother. Our home in Ottawa included my parents, 3 brothers, 1 sister and myself…
Yoga programs at the Centre are designed for anyone who wants to learn and practice, at whatever level. Some people are new to yoga and others have been practicing for years. Many are in the middle: They started practicing years…
The days are growing shorter and the nights colder, but our resident community of seven people and the many people in the community who don’t live at the Centre continue to keep the light burning in the heart of the…