My Journey Inward
Who am I and how did I get here? These questions are always percolating with different answers arising in me all the time. My easy answer today is I am nothing and I am everything, and I got here by…
Who am I and how did I get here? These questions are always percolating with different answers arising in me all the time. My easy answer today is I am nothing and I am everything, and I got here by…
Accept yourself, accept others and accept the world. You will see everything is full of love and love is God. ~ Baba Hari Dass Dear friends, Salt Spring Island is beautiful and green, the garden is growing, and the centre…
Who do you think you are? What are your ideas about who you are? You can probably think of many ways to answer that question, based on your age, gender, education, profession , relationship status, religion, beliefs, etc. But who…
I can perfectly recall the feeling I had when I found the Salt Spring Centre online. It was as though someone had slapped a neon sign on the screen in front of me, blinking “Hey you – this is the…
Fish Pose is a beautiful, soothing backbend pose, starting from reclining position. It can be done with a bolster, or a folded blanket, as a calming restorative pose. It is a pose that can help to refresh and renew your…
Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude. ~ A. A. Milne Dear friends, We’re happy to welcome you to life at the centre in the lovely month…
by Yogeshwar Humphrey On Thursday, April 18th a small group of intrepid Hanumān bhaktas gathered at the Centre to celebrate Hanumān Jayantī, or Hanumān’s birthday. The date traditionally falls on the full moon of the lunar month of Chaitra in…
Periodically we like to share some of our popular recipes from both of the centre’s books: Salt Spring Island Cooking, published in 1989 and The Salt Spring Experience, published in 2001. Today’s focus is on sweet treats. I hope you…
April 2019 “I thank you God for this amazing day; for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a beautiful blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes.” ~ e e cummings…
We live in uneasy times. Perhaps it has always been so, but with global news at our fingertips we’re aware of disturbing events as they happen. How can we live a balanced and peaceful life in the midst of the…