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News from the Centre – July 2019

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. ~ Lao Tsu Dear friends, Happy Canada Day on July 1st and happy Independence Day on July 4th to our American friends. It’s a celebratory time – and it…

My Journey Inward

Who am I and how did I get here? These questions are always percolating with different answers arising in me all the time. My easy answer today is I am nothing and I am everything, and I got here by…

Mistaken Identity

Who do you think you are? What are your ideas about who you are? You can probably think of many ways to answer that question, based on your age, gender,  education, profession , relationship status, religion, beliefs, etc. But who…

Summer Stories and Satsang

I can perfectly recall the feeling I had when I found the Salt Spring Centre online. It was as though someone had slapped a neon sign on the screen in front of me, blinking “Hey you – this is the…

Fish Pose/Matsyasana

Fish Pose is a beautiful, soothing backbend pose, starting from reclining position.  It can be done with a bolster, or a folded blanket, as a calming restorative pose.  It is a pose that can help to refresh and renew your…