Listen to Love
by Christine MacDonald “There is an inner silence. It cannot be heard by the ears, only by the heart.” -Baba Hari Dass To start off, it occurs to me that I am getting more out of preparing this article…
by Christine MacDonald “There is an inner silence. It cannot be heard by the ears, only by the heart.” -Baba Hari Dass To start off, it occurs to me that I am getting more out of preparing this article…
Benefits This pose has always been a favorite of mine. It is a regular part of my personal practice and is always included in the classes I teach. I feel that part of it’s beauty lies in it’s simplicity, as…
Even after all this time The sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. —Hafiz Hello everyone, Winter at the Centre has been fairly quiet, but…
Dear Ones, Babaji’s consciousness continues to shine through his frail body. Sadly, the extent of his fragility now requires Hospice Care. Hospice of Santa Cruz is an excellent organization and will formally support Babaji’s care from now on. Please continue…
We all want to be happy, yet things don’t always go the way we want. In fact sometimes life is downright difficult. We struggle through the hard times, and even though we enjoy good times, difficult ones keep showing up—and…
Although I like to say that I manifested being at the Centre and I chose to stay a year longer than originally planned, there was so much resistance and defiance on my part that it’s a wonder to me that…
ŚHIVA RĀTRI – Night of Śhiva Bābājī tells us the aim of Śhiva Rātri is dispassion. Through dispassion, the many-coloured veils we perceive our world through, begin to fall away and then comes the dawning of “real” knowledge. By fasting, kīrtan,…
Hello everyone, and happy new year, While we have much to be grateful for, we know these are challenging times for many people all over the world. As we watch the news it’s easy to be pulled into disturbing stories…
Living in harmony with each other Common be our prayer Common be our end Common be our purpose Common be our deliberations Common be our desires Unified be our hearts United be our intentions And perfect be the union amongst…
by Marianne Butler Today is the winter solstice. My thirty-fifth winter in this life, my fourth on Salt Spring Island. How did I end up here? I was born and bred in the north-west of England, living with my parents…