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Guru Purnima 2013

Join us for Guru Purnima on July 22nd, at 8am, at Salt Spring Centre of Yoga. Through our ancient Vedic ceremony (yajna), we will honour Babaji and all spiritual teachers. May we renew and rededicate ourselves to all that the…

Sharada’s June Update

Happy summer, everyone. Soon it will be sunny and hot – maybe not today, depending on where you live – but it’s coming. The expansiveness of summer means the Centre is in its busy season, and about to get busier…

Meet our YTT Grads: Karen Cabral

Where do you live? What do you do in your life apart from yoga? I live on Burke Mountain with my daughter and 2 cats, and am employed as a customer service representative for H.Y. Louie. I love the outdoors…

Notice of AGM 2013

DHARMA SARA SATSANG SOCIETY NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday June 15, 2013 12:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga 1. Election of the Board There will be an election to fill the positions of…

Spring in Full Swing

This month our farm blog is from one of our farm yogis, Sheri! We are spoiled here on the West Coast with such an early and long-lasting spring. The daffodils are almost finished, making way for irises, bluebells and tulips…