Meet our YTT Grads: Kenzie Pattillo
Where do you live? What do you do in your life apart from yoga? I have been living in North Vancouver for the last seven years but will always call Nova Scotia my home. I am a full-time mama to…
Where do you live? What do you do in your life apart from yoga? I have been living in North Vancouver for the last seven years but will always call Nova Scotia my home. I am a full-time mama to…
Keeping the Flame Burning June 14 – 16, 2013 The Annual General Meeting of the Dharma Sara Satsang Society will be held on June 15 during the Keeping The Flame Burning weekend: a gathering to celebrate Babaji’s teachings in a…
Farm haiku of the day: Lovely tomatoes, Awaiting in the future, Such sweetness to come! Great news! We recently potted-up our tomatoes and they’re looking mighty fine. In early May, they’ll be transplanted into one of our greenhouses, taking the…
Yoga Getaways: a time for people to get away from their usual busy lives. A weekend that includes a variety of yoga classes, breathing & meditation classes, great meals, time to indulge in a Wellness Centre treatment, explore the Island…
Where do you live? What do you do in your life apart from yoga? I live on Salt Spring and have for over 30 years. Apart from volunteering at the Centre and teaching aspects of yoga, I’m retired, now living…
There are many exciting things happening on the farm these days, not the least of which is a new name for our truck: Jai Mazadananda. Two weeks ago, our seasonal farm yogis arrived. There’s Lisa, who joins us from Winnipeg/Montreal…
Although it’s been in the air for a while, spring officially arrived a couple of weeks ago. It may not be so on the day this arrives in your inbox, but today the sun is shining and the sky is…
We are all familiar with stress in its many manifestations. Why do we get so caught in the drama of life and in our habitual reactions? Sometimes life seems to flow along smoothly and we are calm, open, loving. Then…
The Hanuman Fellowship invites you to join with us in honoring Babaji’s life and works in his 90th year during The Upasana Retreat at Mount Madonna Center May 23 – 27th, 2013 In the spirit of “reunion”, we are celebrating…
The pose I commonly find myself in is Child’s Pose (Balakasana) and the many variations of having my knees pulled in close to my chest. Physically it does many things; however, I notice these qualities: It lengthens the lower lumbar…