Hello, Farm Yogis! Hello again, Farm Stand!
There are many exciting things happening on the farm these days, not the least of which is a new name for our truck: Jai Mazadananda.
Two weeks ago, our seasonal farm yogis arrived. There’s Lisa, who joins us from Winnipeg/Montreal and who is looking forward to growing all 29 varieties of tomatoes we have in the greenhouse; then there’s Sherri who joins us from Vancouver Island, and who’s excited to grow eggplants and basil; and, finally, Christine, who just came from our sister Centre, MMC, and who is excited to grow shiso!
Having become a full farm team, we put our backs into it and put in all the potatoes for next season… 6 varieties of them! We also seeded a whack of carrots, spinach, lettuce, peas, radishes, and arugula. Lots more is coming this season!
Also, our farm stand is opening this Friday (earlier than expected… hurray!). We’ll be stocking it with salad mix and very delicious spinach. Remember, if you wish to pre-order anything, please join our mailing list, and we’ll send you an update of what available on Thursday morning, and we’ll be happy to put aside your order.