Keeping the Flame Burning & AGM 2013

Keeping the Flame Burning
June 14 – 16, 2013
You are receiving this invitation because you have been touched in some way by the teachings of Baba Hari Dass. Perhaps you have been fortunate enough to meet Babaji directly, or to have attended a Vancouver satsang, or to have stayed at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga as a karma yogi, a program guest or a personal retreatant. Babaji’s effect on many has been to quicken the spiritual impulse – as he has said, his main aim in life is to bring people into spiritual practice. He teaches a broad, inclusive yoga, beginning with the importance of cultivating virtuous behaviour and building through all limbs of classical ashtanga yoga. We have been truly blessed to have come under the influence of this master yogi.
Some of Babaji’s students have been with him for decades, going back to the early seventies. Many of them still give freely of their time and energy to pass on the teachings that they have found so valuable in their own lives. Though he is now ninety and does not travel far from his home near Santa Cruz, some people who have never met him still feel his powerful influence at the Centre. We invite you, students young and old, to join us on the weekend of June 14th – 16th, 2013 when we will gather to celebrate Babaji’s teachings in a weekend of stories, practice and celebration. Let us all join together and keep the flame burning.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Dharma Sara Satsang Society (DS) will also be held on the same weekend and will provide an opportunity for you to hear reports highlighting the Society’s 2012-2013 activities, and to participate in the discussions. See the Notice of the Annual General Meeting for details.
The AGM is at 12:00 noon on Saturday and there are some inspiring sessions planned for the weekend. On Friday evening there will be an opening circle, including inspirational readings and kirtan. On Saturday evening there will be a session entitled Passing on the Torch; a walking story tour of the Centre, sharing old and new stories and memories of time spent with Babaji, and of the Centre. Everyone is invited to contribute. There will, of course, be the usual asana, pranayama and meditation classes and the delicious farm fresh food!
Weekend Rates
In order to allow for an inclusive weekend to all DS members and friends of the Centre, we are offering the same discount as we pass on to guests of karma yogis of 50% of the Personal Retreat rate.
Rates are inclusive of two nights accommodation, tuition for all classes, vegetarian meals and all scheduled programs from Friday afternoon through Sunday’s Closing Circle.
Commuter: $65
Camping: $90
Shared: $110
Shared with Ensuite: $128
Private: $138
Private with Ensuite: $138
We invite you to join us for a joyful and fun weekend celebrating the teachings of Babaji, the inspiration for Dharma Sara Satsang Society and the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga.
In Peace,
Centre Director