Meditation Corner with Soorya Ray
You are welcome here whether you are new to meditation, familiar with it, or practiced. As some people have expressed to me: “It’s good to have a structure to drop into to support you (the being).” And that is meditation.
Mind may be filled with thoughts and difficult to get free of. So, rather than trying to control them, ignore them, or get too involved in them, the practice of meditation is to expand your awareness to include them. Let thoughts be like clouds in your spacious sky-like awareness. This is one of many pathways to travel to in meditation.
If you are available, come join one or all three online guided meditation sessions in August held by donation in support of the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga – August 11, 18, and 25 from 5-6 pm.
To register for classes, visit: https://saltspringcentre.rallyup.com/
~ Soorya Ray Resels 2022
About Soorya Ray Resels
Soorya has been involved in Yoga since the 1970’s. She lived, studied and taught internationally, including 23 years at the International Meditation Institute in Himachal Pradesh, India, where she co-authored the book “Vision of Oneness” and received an Honorary Ph.D. in Meditation and Yoga Philosophy ~ Vishwa Unnyayan Samsad in India,1987. Soorya presently teaches meditation (Dhyan), breath-work (Pranayam), Vedanta and Yoga philosophy, and devotional chanting (Kirtan).
At a difficult point in her life, after breast cancer surgery and while looking for physical healing, she discovered the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga. She found so much more – the richness of the Yoga Teacher Training program reminded her of her time and studies in India. She completed her 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at the Centre. Most recently Soorya taught at Open Door Yoga in Vancouver, B.C. and The Well Yoga Studio on Bowen Island, B.C. before making the transition to online.
Since Covid, she leads daily online meditations and online chanting twice a month. When she is not meditating, coaching or mentoring, Soorya loves singing, walking in the woods, and participating whole-heartedly in the community where she lives.