Choosing Peace
Most of us spend a lot of time dreaming about the future. Sometimes we fantasize that at some point in the future we’ll have it all together, we’ll have what we want, and we’ll finally be able to relax and…
Most of us spend a lot of time dreaming about the future. Sometimes we fantasize that at some point in the future we’ll have it all together, we’ll have what we want, and we’ll finally be able to relax and…
Q: For someone who leads a busy life, how is it possible to keep one’s mind on God? B: God is not separate from its creation. Anything that you see, feel, experience is God. Identify it as God and that…
Higher Love by Racquel Marshall I have a slanted British accent, I think I look like an Indian, and I was born in India. My name is Racquel Marshall – not quite an Indian name. I don’t speak Hindi; instead…
“I thank you God for this amazing day; for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a beautiful blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes.” e e cummings Hello everyone,…
As September draws to close and October begins, I find myself, as I often do at this time of year, reflecting on the summer that has passed and contemplating what autumn and winter may bring. For the last three summers,…
by Lyndsay Savage I have had a repeated, and unwanted message from school teachers as a child… “Lyndsay, you just worry about Lyndsay”. What could possibly move them to say such oddly phrased and annoying words to a young me?!…
Hello everyone, Welcome, September! August was a month of shifting energies on a number of levels. Fires in northern and eastern parts of BC (and further east) affected many people, casting a pall of smoke over much of the province,…
Work Honestly, Meditate every day Meet people without fear, And play. This simple four-line instruction that Babaji wrote on his chalkboard years ago in response to a question, has become a guiding light at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga.…
It’s now been just about two and a half months since I arrived at the Salt Spring Centre in my new role as Operations Manager. I drove off of the Long Harbour ferry and over to the Centre, got out…
My spiritual journey began when I was very young. In about the third grade I started realizing a sensitivity and compassion for the crude and harsh attitudes and tendencies that I witnessed on the playground and in school. “Why is…