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Eat What You Can Digest

“Eat what you can digest” was Babaji’s basic prescription, when he was asked like, “Babaji, how do I know what to eat?” Sounds simple, eh? “Eat what you can digest!” And yet, the next question comes easily, “How do I…

Asana of the Month: Utthita Parsvkonasana

Utthita Parsvkonasana/Extended Side Angle I love this pose, it’s like the best early morning stretch any time of the day! It’s strengthening, stabilizing, lengthening, and expands the rib cage to encourage a full deep breath. It’s hip opening, creates tone…

Sharada’s March Update

Greetings everyone. In January’s update, I wrote about the arrival of spring. Apparently I spoke too soon. Winter’s last hurrah came toward the end of February, with three days of non-stop heavy snow, along with two days of power outage…

A Letter from Myles

Dear S.S.C.Y Crew, Thank you so very much for all the warmth and hospitality expressed during my short visit to this awesome space. I really have valued and enjoyed the time I got to spend here visiting my friend David…