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Asana of the month: Setu Bandha Sarvanagasana

Asana of the month: Setu Bandha Sarvanagasana bridge-lock all-limbs pose, commonly known as Bridge / Little Bridge Versatile, accessible and hugely beneficial, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (setu bandha for short) is integral to my asana practice. This pose boosts the immune…

Donations for Sri Ram Ashram

Sri Ram Ashram, (literally “home” in Hindi), is located in the northern state of Uttaranchal, on 16 acres of rural farmland near the town of Haridwar. The Ashram, founded in 1984, was inspired by Baba Hari Dass. To learn more…

Notice: Change of Charitable Status

As always, Dharma Sara Satsang Society (DSSS) welcomes and greatly appreciates your donations. We want to inform you that our status has changed and we are no longer able to give donation receipts for income tax purposes. As anticipated, the…