Honouring the Return
After you have been away on an adventure, a yoga retreat, a course or even a holiday, how do you reconnect with your ‘village’ upon your return? Have you experienced in yourself or noticed in someone else the pain or…
After you have been away on an adventure, a yoga retreat, a course or even a holiday, how do you reconnect with your ‘village’ upon your return? Have you experienced in yourself or noticed in someone else the pain or…
Growing up at the Centre When I was six, we moved back from Seattle to our house on Salt Spring, about ten minutes away from the Centre, part way up Mount Maxwell. After our move back, the Centre became a…
Continuing the theme of ‘yoga books not found in the ‘Yoga’ section of the library’, I present to you two works of ‘Yoga Fiction’. Though I read all sorts of books, I turn to fiction when I want to take…
Greetings everyone, February sped by, but brought with it harbingers of spring: the return of the frogs, daffodils and other spring blossoms, and lots of nettles which we have been enjoying at our meals. David is preparing the soil in…
Quiet and peace is the real nature of a being. It is disturbed by our desires, attachment, and ego. As long as the desires, attachment and ego remain strong, the mind will remain disturbed. So one should practice meditation, or…
This is my grad photo from my high school yearbook. It was accompanied by this poem I wrote. “My arms/Wrapped around me/Wrapped around light/Before it fades/From this corner/Of the world/That I am creating” I was a poet and an artist;…
I first came to the Centre in the mid 80s for a weekend yoga workshop. My friend and I left the program for an evening to see Valdy in Fulford. We got chastised for leaving, but it was worth it…
I applied for the Yoga Service and Study Immersion program last year knowing it would be good for me to be in community, to be around people who lived yoga. I had been working non-stop for a long time, spending most…
Hello everyone, I recall writing last year at this time that spring had arrived, only to note the following month that winter had returned, complete with a heavy snow storm. So far, spring seems to be in the air, but…
If we pay attention, we can see how much of our life is guided by self-interest. It’s not that we don’t care about others, but we look out for ourselves first. We can see it when we notice how quick…