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YSS Coordinator Needed

Yoga Service and Study Coordinator May 1st to September 15th, 2014 The YSS Coordinator is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our Yoga Service and Study Immersion (YSSI) program, a three month intensive residential program which operates between June 1st…

Baba Hari Dass Health Update

Official updates from the Hanuman Fellowship regarding the latest on Babaji’s health can be found at Be assured there is a good team in place to see that Babaji is well cared for.

Sharada’s February Update

Hello everyone, Although some of you may still be shovelling snow – and others basking in tropical climes – we at the Centre are enjoying what feels like the beginning of spring. The robins are back, the trees are budding,…

What’s my Type?

What’s my (Ayurvedic Body-Mind) Type? Ayurveda teaches that each of us is born with a unique body-mind type that stays with us throughout our entire life. This “prakruti” type describes the ratio of the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha – the…

Asana of the Month: Salamba Sarvangasana

Salamba Sarvangasana/Shoulderstand Pose This asana feels amazing! You can actually feel your body changing inside as you invert. It is as if your cells start to sense that the world looks and feels different when upside down. Everything gets quiet…

Shiva Ratri 2014

Thursday February 27, 2014 Join us at the Centre for Shiva Ratri, an all-night vigil of chanting and prayer. Shiva Ratri is an opportunity to affirm your deepest sense of presence. Your deepest sense of authenticity. It is an opportunity…

Baba Hari Dass Health Update

Official updates from the Hanuman Fellowship regarding the latest on Babaji’s health can be found at Be assured there is a good team in place to see that Babaji is well cared for.