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Asana of the Month: Supta Padangusthasana

Supta Padangusthasana or Reclining Big Toe Hold When introducing your students to a challenging balancing pose, try taking it in a reclining, or supta position first. This allows a student to build familiarity with the actions of the pose before…

Meet our Karma Yogis: Sue Ann Leavy

Before I came to the Centre I was living in San Francisco, getting my Masters degree in Public Health, having previously gotten a teaching degree and spent time teaching kindergarten and fourth grade. I was working at a yoga studio,…

Meet our Karma Yogis: Ben Poulton

Physical sports injuries drew me to yoga because I had heard it could help with past injuries. In the fall of 2009 I started practicing with a teacher in Whistler, BC, who played the harmonium and opened her classes with…

Meet our Karma Yogis: Zoe Lee

Prior to coming to the centre I lived in Victoria where I received my Diploma in Indigenous Studies from Camosun College. This is the second time I’ve participated in the Karma Yoga Service & Study Program. One of the reasons…

Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Apprenticeship

200-hour program, 10 modules, Begins October 28, 2013 with Sandra Shotton, E-RYT 500 & Visiting Faculty What we need are Ayurvedic Yoga Therapists who are well trained in both Yoga and Ayurveda and are in a position to interact with…

Sharada’s September Update

Hello everyone, Summer has sped by as it seems to do every year, and we’re now moving into the fall season. The Annual Community Yoga Retreat in early August was a wonderful, sweet gathering. Later in August twenty-eight YTT eager…