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Founding Member Feature: Shankar

Was there a spiritual side to your life before meeting Babaji? I was raised in England in an Irish Catholic family, and in my early teens began to immerse myself in various devotional practices of that tradition. However, after three…

Sharada’s October update

The leaves are falling, the tomatoes and cucumbers are ripe and the sun is still shining – precious days before the rains set in. This season of change is upon us once again, part of an ongoing cycle. Change can…

Defending the ego

The fundamental spiritual truth is that underneath the superficial differences, people are identical in nature – it is the same spirit or universal awareness that animates our seemingly distinct selves. Thinking that we are separate individuals is then a basic…

Fall Specials at the Centre

Summer may be winding down, but the Centre is heading for a busy fall! Our September Yoga Getaway is just around the corner and we have two special guest teachers coming in September and October. In addition, we are offering…

Sharada’s August Update

In the blink of an eye, it’s August. Since the last edition of this newsletter, the first session of Yoga Teacher Training and the 38th Annual Community Yoga Retreat have come and gone. Later this week, the YTT students will…