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50th Annual Retreat registration now open!

July sun in the fields

Things are heating up on the farm! Raincoats and chilly mornings have moved aside and the fields are now a flutter with sunhats and the wafting smells of sunscreen (and broad-bean flowers which smell quite a bit like sunscreen to…

Shankar’s July update

Greetings: While the rest of the continent has been experiencing drought, fires and record high temperatures, the Pacific northwest has had to wait until now for the first real days of summer. This has delayed farm production but has meant…


Lead me from death to life, from darkness to light. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe. Peace,…

It’s Juneuary on the farm!

It’s Juneuary! Well, the farm is wet, the farmers are wet, and our crops are loving it! We come in for lunch un-recognizable in our mud-disguises with wrinkly raisin fingers, grateful for a warm cup of tea and a nourishing…

Shankar’s June update

Greetings: This past Sunday the Centre hosted Swami Santatmananda, the resident acharya at the Swami Dayananda Ashram in Rishikesh. Ahead of satsang and the community dinner he gave an introductory talk on Vedanta to about a hundred people. Visits such…


Though all genuine spiritual traditions stress the underlying unity and connectedness of humanity, conflict between religions has been a constant in human history; the death and destruction caused by war carried out in the name of god has been extraordinary.…

Roses and Thorns

We’ve had some ups and downs this week on the farm. Our pea trellis is up, and a few of the peas have found their way, with the ‘Purple Mange Tout’ variety winning the race to the trellis. Tomatoes are…

The Farm Stand Is Open!

The farm season is in full swing! With the warming and lengthening days, our challenge now is to find balance between maintaining our spring crops, planting our summer crops and dreaming about the crops for the fall. Our farm team…