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50th Annual Retreat registration now open!

A message to the community

Dear community:We write to express our solidarity with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, and to acknowledge the harm that black, indigenous, and people of colour (BIPOC) experience in our country as a result of systemic racism. This occurs at the…

Staying home, staying safe with Usha

How has this coronavirus affected your life?  Firstly – not very much change because I have been living contentedly in unintended self-isolation! But the new coronavirus has affected my life in that others have reached out to offer me help,…

Mathew Bentley’s story

Here I am, programs coordinator at the Salt Spring Centre of Yoga during COVID-19. What a bizarre time to be at the Centre; well, what a bizarre time to be anywhere right now. My wife, Kris Cox, and I came…

Time Out with Kris Cox

Often, interviews begin by setting the scene: perhaps the interviewer has arrived early, and describes her surroundings – a cozy cafe, a park bench, a hotel lobby – before the arrival of the subject. This also invites you in as…

Staying Home, Staying Safe

How are you faring during this time of coronavirus? Chetna Thank you, for reaching out and encouraging a different type questioning and connectivity. On the surface, these questions seem simple and straight forward, but as I started to really look…